Commitment to Excellence

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About BBY

About BBY

Bnos Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood is a mosad founded in absolute dedication to the comprehensive chinuch of each talmidah and upon the commitment to excellence and high sheifos in all areas.

A Bnos Bais Yaakov talmidah is a girl of standards in all areas of hanhaga, middos and responsibility. The faculty of Bnos Bais Yaakov consistently strives to actualize the potential of each talmidah, both in and out of the classroom.

The academic curriculum aims to develop critical thinkers, independent learners and skilled students, blending a wide expanse of yedios and General Studies knowledge with high level thinking and projects.

Bnos Bais Yaakov is renowned for the unique and genuine relationships between its mechanchos and talmidos; a transformative high school school experience, wherein the girls are guided and encouraged to become bnos aliya.

Rabbi Dovid Winkler, Rosh Hamosad, explains, “At Bnos Bais Yaakov, we provide a Bais Yaakov chinuch with an emphasis on derech eretz, midos tovos and idealistic aspirations. Bnos Bais Yaakov's mechanchos undertake not only to model the Torah ideals they teach, they strive to broaden the sheifos of their talmidos while establishing a lifelong kesher.”

Bnos Bais Yaakov is privileged to be guided by its Vaad Hachinuch, Harav Henoch Shachar shlita, Harav Uri Deutsch shlita and Harav Moshe Zev Feldman shlita. While addressing the teachers at a staff meeting, Rabbi Deutsch emphasized the importance of the teacher-student relationship especially for high school aged talmidim and talmidos, explaining how this connection is so vital to the students’ development and how it continues to impact them long after they graduate and move on to build their own families.

Beyond the Classroom

To complement the beautiful classroom lessons, Bnos Bais Yaakov talmidos enjoy a wide range of extra- curricular programs designed to engage them b’lev v’nefesh in an atmosphere of simcha and ruach. Each girl is encouraged to contribute to these programs and, as such, feels invested in school activities and recognized for the unique talents she brings to Bnos Bais Yaakov.

A much-anticipated event is Bnos Bais Yaakov’s annual production. In addition to the strong takeaway lesson from the play’s message, the girls are enriched through the experience of joining together with girls from various grades in working toward a common goal. Included in the positive feedback about the play were many comments of admiration regarding the way the girls conducted themselves, demonstrating their remarkable middos tovos, a hallmark of a Bnos Bais Yaakov talmidah. Even the custodians told the play directors, “Continue whatever you’re doing. The girls are kind, courteous, work so well together. We have never seen anything like it!”
A Balanced Chinuch
Founded in Absolute Dedication

Our Staff


Contact Us

155 Oberlin Avenue North
Lakewood, NJ 08701
Fax: 732-905-8053
© 2025 Bnos Bais Yaakov High School of Lakewood
Duvys Media